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This can be a move that many parents worry about, not only when to do it but how to do it. Each child is different but this move usually happens anywhere between 2 – 3 years old, this is because they need to be developing their emotional maturity and impulse control to understand that they need to stay in their bed. So closer to 3 years old is generally a smoother transition for most families.

Here are the key signs that they are ready for this transition:

1) Safety – they are climbing out of the cot

2) Comfort – they are outgrowing their cot

3) They have been asking for a bed and show an interest in this


Which toddler bed is right for?

When the time is right to move to a toddler bed, look for beds with safety guards to help them adjust and prevent them rolling out. Lots of cots turn into cot beds which is handy and you can then add a bed guard to this to save buying a new bed!

If you are buying a new toddler bed I would recommend one that is low to the ground and not too big so that they still have the snug and safe feeling.

Take you child with you to help choose bedding and décor so that they feel involved and excited about this transition.

Ensure that their room is childproof, cover corners, secure furniture to the wall, check for wire cables and blind cords. Some families use baby gates while their child adjusts to the change and the freedom, it can help by letting them explore in a safe environment without being able to run out of their bedroom at nighttime and turning it into a game.


Tips for the transition:

1)        Keep their favourite teddy/blanket from their cot so that they feel secure and calm.

2)       Talk to them about the change.

3)       Celebrate the first night they stay in their new big bed!

4)       A consistent bedtime routine with no other changes at this time.

5)       If they get out of bed (this can happen in the beginning) return them to their bed calmy and hold the boundary whilst offering reassurance.

6)        A sleep training clock can help older children understand when it is the right time to get up.

7)        If your child is really struggling with this transition and they weren’t climbing out of their cot, you can revert back to their cot.

This is a big milestone which can be exciting for parent and child and my biggest tip to clients is not to rush this, it is not the solution to sleep challenges and it requires patience and preparation.


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